Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Time for Olympics 2012

I received this morning this amazing newsletter from one of the guru’s in the events industry—Preston Bailey. I just felt that I want to share it with you all.

Friday is the start of the 2012 Olympic Games. Each and every athlete is in London to win a gold medal—but at the end of the day - if they come home with a bronze but they know that they’ve done their personal best - In my eyes they are a winner!

What does it mean to be your very best?

Does it mean that you look for solutions instead of complaining about obstacles? Does it mean you choose to show compassion instead of tossing out another criticism? Is it training to find the balance between hard work and rest?

There is a winner in all of us. There are always opportunities to rise up to a challenge and to seize your moment. Remember that we are a team. There is no "them". The only competition we face is ourselves.

We must focus outdoing what we have done before.

Let us inspire our peers while being inspired by their unique gifts. Let us give our clients the best work by giving ourselves the freedom to learn, the flexibility to change and the dedication to giving your all, every day.

Allow yourself to rest. Push yourself through challenges. Face down fear and stand up to self doubt.

You've already won.


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